Neuerde Chapter 11

Rebuilding the infrastructure to manufacture micro-electronics was a slow and tedious process. As a result, electronic devices were still bulky, but inter-operability and interchangeability were designed into nearly everything. All communications devices, whether based on wire, radio, or Ghanstones were equipped with data ports for computers which were still a bit rare (and also bulky).

Deutscherwelt had been a wired society. Instant global communication access was just the norm. The Neuerdans were putting great effort into restoring that.

The first VTOL autogyro/helicopter had completed its test phase and five more were now in production. Soon each major city would have its own.

It had been decided early on to follow the model of Deutscherwelt and bypass the whole process of building highways and railroads in favor of Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft. For heavy cargo, each major city was also building its own seaport.

These were forward-looking endeavours at this point. Each city and its surrounding region were self-sufficient. There was no need to move goods and resources around yet.

But trade had existed throughout human history, and it made sense to provide for it.

* * * * *
Nathan got up from The Chair. As usual, he was weak and disoriented for a few seconds. For all Ghan's abilities, Nathan still had to tend to his body's needs from time to time.

Severing the link was a necessary part of leaving The Chair. The Ghanstone in the chair couldn't reach into Nathan's mind at a distance. Once his head came off the stone, he was severed from Ghan's mind and the growing network of electronic devices being attached to it.

He just wasn't ready to take Ghan's suggestion and allow Olos to implant one of the crystals directly in his body. As he hobbled with his stiff muscles to fix a sandwich, the idea was starting to get attractive.

Chapter 12

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