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Words from the Chief
Welcome to all those that take the time to read my words on this page. I am honored that you take the time to do so. Many people are aware that over the last couple of weeks there have been some changes in the Overhill Nation. Some of those have been voluntary and some have been involuntary. I want to let everyone know that our Nation is stronger today than it was 2 weeks ago and it is a strong nation that will continue to grow stronger. Contrary to what some may have heard or think The Wind Clan of East Tennessee and the Wolf Clan of the Overhill Nation are in tact. The Wolf Clan of the Overhill Nation has a new Chief and is in the process of re-organizing and getting things set up for a facebook page for the clan and there will be a clan meeting once a month on that page that will be a teaching meeting only. For those of you who would like to remain in the Wolf Clan of the Overhill Nation you will need to contact me, Chief Man Many Trees, so I can get your information to the new Chief so you can be included in the updates and added to the clan page. If you are interested in being in the Wind Clan you can contact me as well so that I can get your information to that Chief as well. We will be having our Gathering in May and will be starting preparations in January. NOONE will be asked to donate any monies for the gathering. I would also like to let everyone know that the Overhill church will also begin meeting on the 4th Sunday of each month at 1pm at my home. Tony Spiritfeather Adams will be bringing the sermons and overseeing the Church services. I would like to take this time to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New year and take this time to spend with your family and friends and your Overhill friends. Please share this information with your Overhill family and invite them to this page.