The World of Gary, Patty, David
and Jonathan

Last updated 11/17/08

Our domicile

We live in rural Polk County. It's a nice setting, with 2 acres of our own land surrounded by 39 acres of county preserve land.

We have a security staff of the canine persuasion - Adanvdo, and Lillie, as well as Morgan, our resident adviser.

Of course, we also have the obligatory radio station, sweat lodge, and gun range you'd expect living in a rural setting.

The house is way up by those trees.

We are a Christian family.

We have accepted the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on our behalf, and we seek to follow His teachings. The summation of His teachings can be found in Matthew 22:36-38

36. Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38. This is the first and great commandment.
39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

(After these two, the rest of the Bible is commentary.) We resist the tendency of many to add uneccessary rules to what the Bible says. Whenever something is not specifically covered in the Bible, we don't rely on a particular denomination's or individual's opinion or extra-biblical doctrine. We can fall back on these two verses and decide whether the item in question violates or fulfills either of the two commandments.

Click here to see our 1998 wedding memories

Our Individual Pages

Patty's World
David's World

Gary's World
Jonathan's World

Web pages designed by Gary, written with Notepad.
I write web pages the "old fashion way" - in HTML with a text editor

I do my part to help reduce Web Clutter by minimizing use of buttons, animated gifs, animated backgrounds, etc. Why bog down the Web with frills? They slow down page loading and generally bog down the Web needlessly. (This entire comment takes up FAR less bandwidth than a single button does.)

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